Quality Regulation and Accreditation
At the Talbot Group we take quality and safety seriously. We have embraced a programme of continuous improvement to ensure that we deliver a quality service that offers the best care and support to our residents and service users. We are continuously researching best practices and new and innovative ways of doing things which will deliver better quality care and outcomes.

We welcome feedback including comments, complaints and compliments which allow us to listen to you, to learn and to improve our services.
Pass on a Compliment
Sharing a positive experience is a way of letting our staff know that their care and professionalism have not gone unnoticed. A compliment can be provided by post directly to the Centre or to Redwood Extend Care, Stamullen, Co. Meath or by emailed to
If you are paying a compliment, this will be passed on to the relevant staff member or department.
Following receipt of your feedback, you will receive an acknowledgement of your communication (usually within 5 working days)

Complaints Process
Who can make a complaint
Anyone who uses any of the Talbot Group services can make a complaint. You can also make a complaint on someone else’s behalf, although you will generally need their consent. Complaints are managed in accordance with the Talbot Group Complaints Policy
How to make a complaint
You can make your complaint either face to face, by phone, letter or by email to the relevant service.
Verbal Complaints
You can speak to any member of staff about a complaint or concern. If your complaint or concern cannot be resolved, the member of staff can involve a manager to discuss the issue with you. You can also request to speak with a manager.
Written Complaints
If you wish to make a written complaint you should provide the following information to the Centre:
• your contact details
• Details of your complaint about
• where and when the event that caused your complaint happened
• What action you would like us to take
You should make your complaint as early as possible, within six months of you becoming aware that you have a cause for complaint and no longer than 12 months after the event.

Following Receipt of Your Compliant
The response to a written complaint usually takes 30 working days. The Centre will keep you informed if this process takes longer. In all instances, we will ensure that your feedback is appropriately managed and that, where possible, any suggestions for improvement are acted upon.
We hope that we are able to resolve your complaint satisfactorily. However, if your complaint is not resolved you may apply for an Internal Review.
If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of the Internal Review, you may contact the Office of the Ombudsman (see details below) for an independent, external review of your complaint at this stage.
The Ombudsman is fair, independent, and free to use. The Ombudsman will ask you for details of your complaint and a copy of the letter/email which was our final response to your complaint. The best way to contact the Ombudsman is by:
- Website :www.ombudsman.ie
- Write: Office of the Ombudsman, 6 Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2
-Email: complaints@ombudsman.ie
-Phone: 01 639 5600
Office of the Ombudsman for Children Millennium House, 52-56 Great Strand Street Dublin 1
phone : 01 8656800 /Email: oco@oco.ie
The Complainant may also bring the complaint to the attention of HIQA at any time during the process Health Information & Quality Authority, Georges Court, Georges Lane, Dublin 7, www.hiqa.ie, Phone: 01 814 7400.
At the Talbot Group we care about our service users and value our staff. We ensure our staff are trained to the highest standard so that we can
achieve the best outcome for our service users and residents. If you would like further information about any of our services.